As a PhD candidate, on the way of just solving a small bug in the code to trying to come up with an entirely new algorithm, I’ve been autonomous learning and studying everyday. I will try to give a record of whatever I read/saw and can recommend on specific topics. I found them extremely helpful for myself for later lookup and I hope that it may also help anyone interested. Most stuff will be about point cloud/video/image procesing, machine learning/deep learning, as my job is related to these topics. Besides, I might add also some posts related to my daily lifes.

Machine learning







  • Undocumented Matlab - One of the best Matlab related Sites I know.
  • Minkowski Engine - Minkowski Engine documentation website, power tool for high dimensional data processing.

General Scientific stuff


-How to write a Scientific Paper - Talk by Simon Peyton Jones

General stuff (in En and Vi)

  • Dau tu ETF Tinh thue, phi khi dau tu chung khoan o Duc